Where We're Going: A (maybe) Roadmap.
I’ve been intentionally quiet for awhile now— tending to this full chapter of life with a narrowed focus, and then (or perhaps simultaneously) directing a small reservoir of energy inward, toward personal healing, fortification, and growth. The only way I know how to do any of that, is quietly. I have work to do at this shedding thing, this public vulnerability thing, and this finding my voice thing… but something tells me I’m not alone. I’ve [we’ve] been through some hard, heavy, intimate experiences in recent years (maybe more on that in future posts), but I’m so ready for a growth spurt. If you’re up to sticking around with me, stay tuned— I have things to share! Woohoo! Read to the end to find my downloadable guide containing 10 self-care practices that have helped reduce unhealthy levels of stress and supported ever-so-important intuitive discovery.
As I enter this space more consciously, here are some things you might hear me talk about:
We’re living in a new era. Everything is…a lot. We’re all a little overwhelmed, maybe a little lost, re-figuring out who we are, while also doing our best to ground and brace for what’s next. These are the feelings I’m hearing about over and over (I’m an enthusiastic listener!): stress, anxiety, burn-out, exhaustion, overload from responsibilities, imbalance, fear, decision-fatigue, resentfulness, lack of inspiration…what else can we add to this list? I am on a quest back to myself (or toward comfort in my new self) and would like to take you on a parallel journey. Healing and growth and grounding are what we all need more of.
*Yoga/ Mindful Movement—
I began my yoga training and teaching journey 15 years ago. I started practicing for my body, but soon awoke to this feeling that it was the truest path to wholeness I’d ever encountered. It’s the kind of feeling you don’t want to let go of, so you run to tell everyone you know how to get there too. When you exist so much in your head, learning practices to bring you into your body is transformative. I was in a serious vehicle accident when I was 22 and sustained spinal injuries that I’m still tending to today— it’s taken practice, but I accept it’s a path I’ll always be walking. I faced intense medical intervention until I found healing through massage, chiropractic, reiki, PT and most impactful, yoga. In those early years, my life literally revolved around these therapies. After time, I quit my first career and stumbled upon a new one: teaching yoga wherever and however I could— because I needed it (and needed to share it)…every day. I’d love to bring you along with me again.
*Resetting/ Cyclical Living—
I’ve always loved the feeling of embarking on a new year, and the freshness of September (after recovering from my goodbye-summer-broken-heart). These months, along with other pivotal point in the year, act as reset points for me. A mental/emotional review. Who do I want to be? What do I want to do with my time? How do I want to feel? Am I feeling it? What’s bringing me happiness? What needs to change or be released? Over the years I’ve become more in-tune with cyclical living, following my own monthly cycle, that of the moon, and the dramatic seasonal shifts of the north eastern United States. Reflection allows for much better alignment— emotionally, mentally, physically. Otherwise we just get lost in the shuffle of days that won’t stop coming at us. I try to regularly reevaluate my desires, hopes, and values, checking in to see if the way I’m living is representative of these things. I’d love to start sharing some of what I’ve adopted into my life.
My three young (but always growing) humans are my all-consuming besties. They’re magical. And sassy. Beautifully (and exhaustingly) high-maintenence. And totally themselves. My task in life is to honor, protect, and nurture their unique sparks, and to make sure they know they’re loved and supported in this life, while teaching them to navigate self-awareness, self-expression, vulnerable communication, empathy, compassion, respect, adventure, and all that good stuff. It’s a lot. Parenting is really a lot, and takes constant learning and humility. But we do it, day by day, moment by moment. Together.
*(Whole) Food—
I’ve been health conscious for as long as I can remember. Two of my kids have food allergies, so we’re used to adapting to dietary needs, and respecting that everyone finds their own way of nourishing their bodies. I’ve eaten a vegetarian diet since I was a teen, and have been gluten-free for years, because that’s what works for my body. I usually love creating wholesome foods, but sometimes lately, I’m just really tired. But I’m trying to stay inspired (maybe you can help me with that part) and my husband always cleans up the mess of dishes I leave behind.
*Handmade/ Naturemade—
I love craft. I run one farmers market solo and have helped consult with other market start-ups. Small makers have my heart. I want to know each one’s story and process. My creative time is meager these days, but I’m working to reclaim it little by little. I love working with oils and making body products, am reacquainting with clay work, and in the past have found joy in making jewelry, painting, dyeing, sewing, etc. So, surprise: my husband, David (@liquidtreesmusic on IG), and I are in the thralls of starting a product-based side hustle together merging wellness, craft, nature, and lots of goodness! This is a dream of ours— we have many. Launching an online boutique featuring our handmade goodies is going to be amazing one day, but we’ve got a long way to go. Join us on the journey @apricushaus.
I’m so happy to be reconnecting! Leave me a comment letting me know what you’re up to, what you’re struggling with, and how I might support you :)
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